Fred Turned C Graded Business Plan of University into Reality as FedEx


Fred Smith is one of the best entrepreneurs who had the guts to follow his dream and class paper to make realize the company which earns in billions. The great man was born in Mississippi in 1944 and after four years of his birth, his father died. Fred had a birth defect namely Legs-Calved-Perth’s Syndrome but this guy got over the crippled disease at the age of ten.  Fred was enrolled in Yale University in 1962, at the age of eighteen. He graduated in 1966 with his majors in Economics. During his studies he did a class paper in which he designed a business plan for overnight delivery services. It is rumored that he got C in the paper however this C graded business plan turned into reality later in form of FedEx corporation.

It is surprising for many that at the time when Fred left his university, he was hired by the US Marine Corps. Three years later in 1969 Fred was retired with the rank of Captain with all due respect and number of honors. He got married also in 1969 to Linda.

The success timeline of Fred continues when he bought controlling share in Ark Aviation Sales in 1970. In 1971 Fred utilized $4 million inherited from his father with additional $90 million raised as capital to for Federal Express. In a decade FedEx (FDX) had been spread in 115 cities and by 1983 its sales were around $1 billion.

Apart from running a FedEx, Fred had been involved in many activities like playing a role in movie “Cast Away” and endorsing Re-Election for Bush. He had been the member of Skull and Bones Society with Bush and John Kerry. Fred had also gambled $5000 on blackjack to save the company. As a CEO of FedEx he receives $10,434,589 as compensation.

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